Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I love you, Budoy!

I'm still not yet over my Dad's farewell, yet another level of depression comes over...

But still, I try to be as optimistic or if not, as poker-faced as I could.

Here's Budoy. He's a dachshund. I do love his shiny eyes and cold wet nose and those unusually big feet for a hotdog. He's a Leo (like me) born last August 3, 2011. He's 3 years old!

My stress reliever, Budoy, is sick with Canine Distemper. For those who know what it is, you might feel the pain I'm going through. For those who don't, here's what it is  To sum it up, it's like catching it like you you get measles and suffering on it like you have lung cancer. Very painful, expensive and torturing and the medicine doesn't taste good. And people shove medicine, food and water down your throat just to make you live. But your body rejects it and puke it out. And you get weaker everyday.

It kills me. What kills me most is my BF who is more depressed than I am.
I first met Budoy last June 10, 2012 when my BF (Who was still my friend back that time who used him as OUR MIDDLE MAN and another way for us to keep seeing each other!) let him stay over my place for the weekend. I was lonely and depressed before I met Budoy because being an animal lover from CDO who have to leave for Cebu for work and NOT used to a life without pets, makes me feel like the world is just a little cage that I have to do the same thing all over again and no stimuli at all... Until I met him. (and of course, his owner, my BF!).
The first time he plays with me

The first time he smiled at me

The first time he woke up with me!
And then we grew fonder. Then came along in some of our dates. On the day I decided to have RR (my BF) be my official Boyfriend, Budoy as our middle man. August 6, 2012 to be exact. The witness of what happened.

When my BF decided to have me move in to his place, Budoy adopted me too and gave me the best mornings.. He would greet me hello whenever I come back from work. He gave me the best and EFFECTIVE wake up calls every night so I could go to work.

Budoy likes to watch me cook in the kitchen, he would stare at me for hours and give me that soulful, puppy eyes look that makes me give in and throw him a bit of meat that Im chopping. He loves to stomp in my chest when me or my BF lay down the floor or sofa. And smother us with kisses and paw prints whenever he have the chance.

One thing I never expected from Budoy was his skills in RAT HUNTING. Almost every morning we would wake up to find a RAT (like the size of a cat!) lying on the floor. Just like how a cat does. Im a cat person BTW. But please don't tell Budoy. He hates them felines!

Budoy watching me cook

You are looking into my eyes and give me a BIG JUICY BONE!

Who could ever resist those eyes? Tell me!  
We moved to another place we could call our own with me, my Bf and his mom and Budoy and his wife, Darna.

Everything was perfect amidst some problems. Budoy made things a little lighter and happier.

Budoy would help me watch over my BF's mom during the day when Im asleep (cuz I work at night!). Still help out in driving out those pesky mice away from our house. He's our doorbell, he'd alarm us whenever someone's coming over. One of the reasons why me and my BF continue to bond because we have to walk him together after dinner.

Did I mention that he snores on his sleep? He really does! Sometimes he growls and barks when he's dreaming.

He's also my pacer in my afternoon run. My Bf used to be my pacer, but since we run different paces, he's faster and competitive. Im the chillax runner/walker. And Budoy and Darna supports me for it!
My two pacers on my afternoon run

My favorite task for Budoy is when my BF stays in bed on a weekend morning and Im done cooking breakfast, I try calling him to get down and eat with us but he's just too lazy to wake up.... I ask Budoy to climb upstairs into our room and wake him up. It works!

Until we noticed Darna, vomiting, pooping with blood, coughing and refused to eat and just sleeps all day for about a week.I thought it was Pharvo because she didn't have pharvo shots as a puppy. She got better after and she's back to being this annoying jumping ball of fur. Budoy showed the same symptoms only that he looked worse than Darna. We took him to the vet last August 4, 2014 and he was diagnosed with Canine Distemper with guarded prognosis. The vet said there's no cure for it because it was just a virus. There's only the need for supportive meds like cephaliexin, metronidazole, vitamin C, previcox and the distemper therapy shots. We struggled into making him take his meds and figure out what he wants to eat, cuz sometimes he wouldn't take anything. We would rejoice whenever he takes a bite in solid foods.

August 4, 2014. Budoy sleeping right beside me

Sleeping on his favorite position... And snoring! (no Joke!)
On the last three days, he haven't eaten anything solid. So we give him broth and water. And there's this greenish-yellow discharge coming out of his nose. Just like a booger and I have to take them all out. It's not easy because he pulls away. But I try to be firm but gentle because he has to be cleaned otherwise he'd die of infection! I also clean his eyes and feed him broth after. Good thing he takes the broth and water. Then finally I give him his massage. He likes those. I was once told that petting a dog adds up to his healing. I pet Budoy even when he's not sick! So it's no biggie for me.

My heart is broken when I see Budoy on his unusual weakness. I don't like doing things he doesnt want to do but I have to because I want him to get better. I want the usual happiness to the family to come back. My BF won't even cheer up and it's killing me. I just try to look strong so it won't add up to their sadness.

Budoy's in a 50/50 chance of surviving and I'm ready to do anything I could and afford to make him better and get back to his old self. The old, annoying. wet-nosed, heavy pawed, face licking and jumping Budoy.

Please get better. You're my best friend! You're our stress reliever and happiness in a form of a dog! And yes, you're still our puppy! You put the "H" in Happiness! Please get better. Im begging you. I may not have the money to have you STAY in the vet's clinic, but I have the love and care and passion to care for you til you get better.